In this video, we can see how the technology of the future has surpassed our own in many ways. Bioremediation is very advanced today. Huge amounts of research is being made and is still in progress. Bioremediation technology probably won't improve as much as the technology in the video, but many advancements will be made.

In this video, we can see how the technology of the future has surpassed our own in many ways. Bioremediation is very advanced today. Huge amounts of research is being made and is still in progress. Bioremediation technology probably won't improve as much as the technology in the video, but many advancements will be made.
G&C Ambientpetrol V Inc. is a company based in Central Florida, with a strong focus in offering a line of proprietary 100% organic bioremediation products. They are currently one of the top providers for remediation products on the market among others. Their organic products help accelerate in-situ and ex-situ treatment of all types of hydrocarbons and metal contaminants that are biodegradable and capable of supporting aerobic and anaerobic processes. Over the years their microbiologists, chemists, petroleum engineers, and environmental engineers, among other professionals, have conducted extensive field testing to conclude the success of their products. Bros Plus is very affordable, environmentally safe, and easy to handle,100% organic, and is clean and non toxic to humans, water, plants, soils, and animals. It also works with ONLY ONE application, with a guarantee of success, making it a very effective decontaminant for all types of hydrocarbon-based products. It also has experience and proven track record of success. Click on the logo to learn more. (6.1)​
5 of their main products are shown down below​, including their descriptions or usages. Click on any picture to learn more.
But this is not the end. In the near future, research plans for bioremediation will be furthered.
Research is under way to increase the availability of contaminants to microbes. This would increase Bioremediation's efficiency. Techniques for promoting contaminant transport to the organisms include injecting heat into the contaminants such as steam, hot water, or hot air. Discovering improved methods for spreading the microorganisms may also enhance microbial contact with the contaminants, and lead to a more effective technique of Bioremediation. There is still a lot of work to be done so that the bioremediation methods can be perfected. When and how to apply fertilizer, how much to apply, whether to add micro nutrients, whether to use slow-release or highly soluble forms, etc., are all questions that bioremediation experts are currently examining. (6.2)​
To the right, is a picture of Rosa Margesin. Her record in the Web of Science® includes 42 articles, reviews, and proceedings papers that was cited a total of 902 times from 2000-2010. Margesin is the Associate Professor of Microbiology at the Institute of Microbiology of the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Her research there focuses on cold-adapted microorganisms and soil microbiology. Read about an interview she had regarding bioremediation and the work she has done by clicking her picture. Also pay attention to the section towards the end of the interview where she talks about her opinions on the past and future of bioremediaion. (6.5)​

-In situs bioremediation for soil contaminated -Cleaning degrading oil spills, contaminated with hydrocarbon -Cleaning oil pits contaminated with Sludge materials or hydrocarbons -Industrial water contaminated with all types of hydrocarbon based products -Municipal waters -Biodegradable, odor control remover -Cleaning storage tanks and installations handling contaminants with all types of hydrocarbon based products -Works on gasoline, diesel, crank oil, motor oil, hydrolic oil, ect

-Degreaser for heavy oil contaminants -Degradation of Hydrocarbon on soil -Cleaning Tools contaminated with heavy hydrocarbon and other contaminant -Cleaning heavy machinery and tanks contaminated with hydrocarbon -Cleaning of other bacteriological applications -Fire extinguisher, control and finally degradation of hydrocarbon contaminant -Cleaning pipes clog hydrocarbon and vegetable oil -Cleaning and polish metals and jewelry -Cleaning refineries, drill equipment, oil rigs and more

-BIODECLEANTM is a cleaning biodegradable agent. Which its unique formulation ensure the breaking down of hydrocarbon and vegetable oil at faster rate, -100% ecofriendly -Biodegradable with non pathogenic bacteria and enzymes -Water base, free from solvents, hydrocarbons to speed up the process of industrial cleaning applications of hydrocarbon and vegetable oil -Cleaning of fabric and canvas cleaning of concrete floors, equipments,and more.

-Fresh Waters -Industrial Water -Brackish Water -Municipal water -Sensitive area soils -Agricultural soils

-Cleaning of Hydrocarbons contaminants on industrial soil -Sludge hydrocarbon Materials -Industrials soil and water applications -Other bacteriological applications -Excellent cleaning and biodegradable agent for land farming -Works on gasoline, diesel, crank oil, motor oil, hydrolic oil, etc